cerebellum in fish
The cerebrum of the brain is primarily responsible for the fishs sense of smell rather than voluntary actions. Thus these are the oldest afferent paths to the cerebellum and cerebellar vermis. Brain Of The Perch After Cuvier A Cerebellum B Cerebrum Pisces Fish Scientific Illustration Zoology Cerebellar growth in zebrafish results in the valvular primordium becoming distanced from the rhombic lip Fig6b-d which is the site of Atoh1 induction via roof plate-derived Gdf7 Alder et al. . In bony fish or teleosts it has been proposed that the cerebellar auricles which receive a large amount of input from the vestibulolateral line system constitute the vestibulocerebellum and are homologues of the flocculonodular lobe of higher vertebrates along with the corpus cerebelli which receives spinocerebellar and tectocerebellar fibers. It constitutes the main mass of the cerebellum in fish reptiles and birds. The rapid transparent ex utero development in...